Elder Stiles
Elder Sputje
Frozen Feet
View from our front porch

Cool story for the week!
Ok, so like 3 Mondays ago my companion and I went to Cici's Pizza (no big deal right)… There was a lady who worked there who was Hispanic. So we talked to her for a little bit, gave her a pass-along card with the church on it and asked her where she lived to see if we could come visit her sometime at her home. She seemed excited to see us so we were excited at the opportunity of teaching her. Through a thick accent she told us she lived on "Waldow" Street. We left lunch and we both had this feeling that we needed to talk to her! So we got back home and we looked for this Waldow Street. It was nowhere on the map and there was nothing that really sounded like it that was in the general vicinity that she described… But she told us she might come to church, so we hung onto hope that she would show up so we could get in contact with her. She did not show to church and we were a little disappointed. Then we realized there was no reason to be disappointed, it just meant we HAD to go to Cici's again! So we went back and talked to her again. She still did not remember her house number but she described her neighborhood and we had her spell out her street name. It turns out it was Walnut street. We knew exactly where the street was. She told us we could stop by on Sunday because that was when she was home, but could not fix an appointment because we still did not know if we could find the house. So last night we made it our goal to find The Cici's lady "Elida". We got out of our appointment at about 7 and realized we had about an hour to find her, and teach her. So we went to Walnut and kinda "speed tracted", then we got to a door and we saw a Large El Salvadorian flag in there. We were like "Jackpot" (she told us she was from El Salvador and there is VERY few people here who are from El Salvador). We knocked the door and a guy came to the door. He kinda blew us off but my companion just kept on fighting to keep on talking to the guy (a little extra loud so that if she was in the house she would hear). We knew this is where she lived so we wanted to give her the chance to come to the door. Finally after we had been denied in several attempts with the guy who answered the door, she came to the door. She immediately invited us in. We came in and taught her a little bit about the Book of Mormon. Turns out, she had a baptismal date in El Salvador. She even remembered the date she was supposed to be baptized ( November 28th more then 5 years ago). We made a return appointment for Tuesday. WOW!
Not gonna lie, the cold made this week tough, not many people wanted to talk to us. BUT, it is those little moments when you realize your REALLY a tool in the lords hands that make it all worth it. We are doing great and working our tails off. I love this work. Its work, but its amazing. We are currently teaching 4 Families who REALLY have baptismal potential in this transfer or maybe next transfer. WOW!
I love my life,
Elder Scott Stiles
Ok, so like 3 Mondays ago my companion and I went to Cici's Pizza (no big deal right)… There was a lady who worked there who was Hispanic. So we talked to her for a little bit, gave her a pass-along card with the church on it and asked her where she lived to see if we could come visit her sometime at her home. She seemed excited to see us so we were excited at the opportunity of teaching her. Through a thick accent she told us she lived on "Waldow" Street. We left lunch and we both had this feeling that we needed to talk to her! So we got back home and we looked for this Waldow Street. It was nowhere on the map and there was nothing that really sounded like it that was in the general vicinity that she described… But she told us she might come to church, so we hung onto hope that she would show up so we could get in contact with her. She did not show to church and we were a little disappointed. Then we realized there was no reason to be disappointed, it just meant we HAD to go to Cici's again! So we went back and talked to her again. She still did not remember her house number but she described her neighborhood and we had her spell out her street name. It turns out it was Walnut street. We knew exactly where the street was. She told us we could stop by on Sunday because that was when she was home, but could not fix an appointment because we still did not know if we could find the house. So last night we made it our goal to find The Cici's lady "Elida". We got out of our appointment at about 7 and realized we had about an hour to find her, and teach her. So we went to Walnut and kinda "speed tracted", then we got to a door and we saw a Large El Salvadorian flag in there. We were like "Jackpot" (she told us she was from El Salvador and there is VERY few people here who are from El Salvador). We knocked the door and a guy came to the door. He kinda blew us off but my companion just kept on fighting to keep on talking to the guy (a little extra loud so that if she was in the house she would hear). We knew this is where she lived so we wanted to give her the chance to come to the door. Finally after we had been denied in several attempts with the guy who answered the door, she came to the door. She immediately invited us in. We came in and taught her a little bit about the Book of Mormon. Turns out, she had a baptismal date in El Salvador. She even remembered the date she was supposed to be baptized ( November 28th more then 5 years ago). We made a return appointment for Tuesday. WOW!
Not gonna lie, the cold made this week tough, not many people wanted to talk to us. BUT, it is those little moments when you realize your REALLY a tool in the lords hands that make it all worth it. We are doing great and working our tails off. I love this work. Its work, but its amazing. We are currently teaching 4 Families who REALLY have baptismal potential in this transfer or maybe next transfer. WOW!
I love my life,
Elder Scott Stiles