Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year!

Had a good week! Not much to report on... Christmas is not the most exciting thing ever to happen on the mission... The phone call home just kinda makes you homesick!!! Next time we should do it conference style and plan it out better so the WHOLE family can kinda be together!!!! haha Things here are great! We found some new people last week that are very nice and seem very interested... Not the most eventful week...

But I will tell you all about my christmas. OK for Christmas Eve we went to an investigators house of the other missionaries in our ward for Christmas Eve Dinner. (are area is lower income and people cannot really afford to feed us). So we get there and we sit down on the couch... I have been battling sickness for a while so I took medicine that made me tired... We are sitting there on the couch and I fall asleep aparently... And so about a half hour I wake up with an old lady asking me "Oiga Tiene Sueno?" (translated to "Listen do you have dreams/are you tired?) haha I was so confused... I was in some house I had never been before with some old lady I had never met before waking me up... The other missionaries laughed pretty hard at that.

So on Christmas day we went to the Maya's house and did phone calls. They are a family in our ward who have the cutest kids ever. They came here and have REALLY worked hard and have succeeded and are basically the example of the American Dream. (they live in the other missionaries area as well). Well anyways did the phone call and the told us how this year they were not giving presents to there kids, but instead their kids were picking out toys and giving them to people in the ward who would not get anything for christmas... Apparently the Maya's Gave Christmas to 11 families!!! Including Wal-Mart gift cards for the parents. SOOO COOOL!!!

So did the phone call and it was a pretty depressing day haha then we went back to the Maya's for dinner... Nothing was really that exceptional until at like 8 PM the littlist Maya girl (about 6 years old) sang to us "on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me" we finnished the second part of that song and went on to sing christmas carrols to all the little Kids for like 45 Minutes with all of them singing along with us... (the Maya's extended family was there so there were like 7 or 8 kids...) It was so fun, and really saved Christmas...

Sometimes the little things are the things that we appreciate the most! Sooo after that it was a GREAT Christmas and everything was GRAND!!! So it was good to talk to you guys on the phone, thanks everyone who sent Christmas Cards and presents! It was all GREATLY appreciated! I love you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Love Elder Stiles

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seriously Now...

Seriously Now…
How’s it going everyone? Things are going well here! Mostly just working hard and having fun. Ok, this letter might be a little different than most... It kind of has a different tone.

I got a new companion about 2 weeks ago his name is Elder Spjute. I think it is safe to say Elder Spjute has had the hardest mission of anyone I have ever met or ever will meet. He left on his mission Feb 07 and so is almost done with his mission. Elder Spjute is known in the mission as being super obedient, and super hard working but pretty quiet until you break his shell.

Well, in May of last year he had something terrible happen. His older sister who was serving a mission in England was on a morning jog and went into cardiac arrest. She passed away almost immediately. The mission president delivered the news to him a few hours later in a personal visit. He was given the option to go home at this point in time, to be with his family. When president asked him about that he said "No" without even considering going home. He called and talked to his parents and they were supportive of his decision. He recovered from this pretty well; he basically lost himself in the work and kept on moving forward (with lots of prayer).

Everything was going pretty well until about 4 weeks ago. He received a phone call from his Dad. His Dad explained that his Mom has terminal Cancer. He once again talked with the mission president and was given the choice to go home to be with his family for the Holidays. His Dad's only council was to not make a decision based on emotions. So he prayed and he decided to stay. The sacrifice that he is making is amazing. I do not think I have ever met a stronger more faithful person. He signed up to serve the Lord with all of his heart and that is what he is doing. It is a SACRIFICE, but it is something he knows is right.

I think it is kind of an interesting story at this time of the year. We always associate Christmas with family time, presents and good dinners. BUT there is actually something much much larger than those at this time of the year. Sacrifice, Jesus, made the sacrifice for us, if we remember that the wise men brought Jesus gifts, it was not that this little baby Jesus wanted any presents or could do anything with them, but it was a display of the sacrifice they were making for Christ.

So my invitation to all of you is to sacrifice something this Christmas. Do something you wouldn’t usually do for someone else... Give of yourself. Do something Hard! And you will find there is a different holiday spirit. I would also ask that everybody say a little Prayer for the Spjute family. They need all of the prayers they can get at this time. I love you all and I am proud to be a servant of The Lord.
Elder Stiles

Merry Christmas to All!

Christmas Card Photos

Getting ready for the retelling of the Thanksgiving story!

Tin Foil Dinosaurs (I am guessing after Halloween and the chipotle
promotion-wrap yourself as a a burrito and get a free burrito) How to entertain yourself with leftover foil...

"Jockos World Famous Fried Chicken"

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! It is almost Christmas... actually, I believe it is winter solstice today if I am not mistaken... So exciting huh! Who needs to celebrate Christmas when you can celebrate winter solstice? Just playing....
So life here in Hamilton Ohio is just dandy! Had a good pre-Christmas week! We have been talking a lot with our investigators about trying to figure out what they want... If they want to progress in the gospel, or if they just want. Had a good lesson with Maria in which my companion really just asked her what she wanted and how she was going to go about achieving that. She is a way good lady, just has trouble with taking another step of faith to go to church (she works on Sunday and doesn’t think she can find another job). So we are working with her to resolve those concerns...
My Spanish is coming along nicely... My companion corrects my pronunciation ruthlessly so I am actually learning how to say the words! It’s a good feeling; I have gotten several complements lately with my accent which makes me happy!
In fact I spoke in church yesterday; it was like 40X better then my last talk in the Branch. I spoke for 10 minutes about Samuel the Laminate and how he foretold the the Saviors Birth to the people here in the American continent before Christ was born in Bethlehem(3rd Nephi 1). I figured everyone has heard the story of Christ's birth in Luke, so I might focus on a little different perspective. So I spoke about Christmas and only used the accounts of his birth from the Book of Mormon. It is all there. Prophets foretold Christ would come to save the people from their sins. A sign was given- Samuel said that, there would be a day and a night and a day of light, and that is what happened. The Book of Mormon really is another testament of Christ. President Robbins (our mission president) came to our sacrament meeting because my companion was singing. He did a solo of The First Noel. He did way good! The kid can sing! It was overall a success!

Also, we had our Branch Christmas party on Saturday with tons of people there (130+). It was really good! But... Something very annoying... The party should have started at 5 o'clock. But it started at 6:50. Yes almost two hours late!!! So I did a little equation... I figured out that Spanish speaking branches are probably the most non-punctual groups of people in the world... This is my equation:
Hispanic Time- 60 Min. Late
Mormon Time - 30 Min.
Late Lack of Organization- +20 Min. Late
Time when we start - = 1 Hour and 50 Min.
That is the perfect storm of lateness!!!
Ok... To another topic. I must first start out by saying this to my dear sister Emily King... You were right, and I was wrong! Before I got here to Cincinnati some people had told me it would not be cold... So I believed them. My sister Emily told me that it was going to be crazy cold... So here on this Blog (I am assuming my mom will post this on there) I will admit before the whole world that my sister was right, and I was absolutely wrong... I realized she was right when my overcoat was literally frozen!!! FROZEN!!! There was no condensation of any kind but my Jacket turned into a large black piece of ice... It was a learning experience because I did not know that solid, in adamant objects could freeze again! Also... It was windy yesterday and we were riding against a really strong wind and my eyes started to water.... Then the tear on my cheek began to FREEZE!!!! I had to clear it off before it could!
Also... when I don’t breathe out of my nose I can feel my nostrils freezing ... NO JOKE!
Also... My scarf, I kind of put it over my mouth and nose like some Arabian Horseman (Mormon missionary on a bike version) but the moisture began to freeze so I just had my face frozen in my own saliva ice...
Also... My pen ink froze... No Joke I had to open it up and rub it between my hands to get it to functioning temperature. It was like 17 degrees yesterday but apparently with humidity and wind-chill they were saying it was below zer0 (it is what I heard it has not been verified as truth)! It’s cold, but it’s actually not that that bad (I just like to think of the Russian missionaries who are way colder!). It mostly just makes me laugh and kinda yelp when the wind hits us... Listening to my yelps is one of my Companions favorite things... I am pretty well set for the cold... Just lots and lots of layers and a good attitude and it is not bad! Just making mission memories!
Sooo basically everything is grrand! Loving life, getting ready for the Christmas Call!
Good Stuff!
Well I love Mission Life! Everything is good!
Merry Christmas everyone and I love you!!!
Love Elder Stiles

Monday, December 8, 2008


20?! huh? wait... I am a missionary? It feels like I should be about nine... maybe ten?! Crazy huh? So anyways, life is good!

I got this new companion Elder Spjute (the J is silent). He is way cool, he works his tail off! I am actually really enjoying it, he is known for being one of the hardest workers, He only has 2 transfers left (goes home in Febuary). He is way good at spanish and we speak it all day every day! I can really communicate and teach, I just dont know all of the words, but that comes with speaking the language. Its overall good stuff.

So this week the snow started.... No Bueno. It is kinda fun to ride bikes on it and everything, It just is not as fun to have it cold... We did not have any super crazy stories this week. I really like teaching with Elder Spjute. He is more serious then Elder Draper when we are teaching but it is nice cause he has no problem being straight forward with people.... I love it.

I also received a christmas card from Bill Price this week "That is Neat" (said in the voice from the Dean of Admissions in the movie Orange County). He signed it saying "to My son, from Bill Price President of the United States of America". then dated it (all of Bill Price's Writings are dated to be archived for his Library that will be in his name for being President). moms note: Bill Price is the crazy guy who lives near the elders and they are friendly towards him.

We also found service this week we think. We are probably going to do it at the Prison! Sweet! translating and being part of a programm where they get church people to help out convicts. It will be sweet! I am not going to lie it will be fun if we can do it!

Love you all,

Mom thanks for having me!
Elder Stiles

The Birthday Boy!

Happy Birthday Elder Stiles!
20 years old!

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Life Flies!"


Life flies! This is my last letter as a teenager! I am staying in Hamilton!!!! I am 95% happy with this decision and the only reason I am not 100% is because it is winter... But I am acclimating nicely.

I got a new companion today. His Name is Elder Spjute, from Bountiful Utah. Cool guy, Way good in Spanish so he should teach me. Me and Elder Draper got along too well at times and spoke too much English. But I hear that Spjute is pretty insistent on speaking Spanish so he will force me to learn it! Good Stuff!! Spanish is coming along, I can communicate I just have problems at times. This week was not super eventful...

Thanksgiving was Swell! Pretty funny actually! Hispanics do not really celebrate it but we have a party at the branch... sooo on Monday night the Branch President asked (only the white Elders) to do a special presentation to explain how Thanksgiving came to be.... SOOOO my first thought was "wait... Didn’t I do this in 1st grade in Miss Richie's class?" The answer to that question was yes! I remembered that the Indians (Native Americans for those of you who are politically correct) used brown paper bags as chest plates for their clothing... And the Pilgrims made paper hats and wore them to the feast! Soooooo there are three of us who are white in our branch (the other three are Hispanic) so we had one pilgrim and one Indian, But what could the third person be??? My companion and I made him a beak and a gobbler and he was a turkey... (Hispanics call it El Dia de Pavo/Turkey so we needed to associate the turkey somehow).

So The turkey told the story as we acted it out in our costumes.... Now, I assumed this would be funny and the branch members would think it was kinda fun... The time came to do it and we all faced the realization that they were NOT going to laugh and it would probably be incredibly awkward.... We proceeded with the presentation and only the sweet branch president’s wife laughed (and the kids). They all kinda gave us a baffled confused look! The few people who were American or had more familiarization with the holiday laughed but overall it was a disaster! The Grand Finale was my companion (Elder Draper) singing a solo of "Count Your Many Blessings" on the Table as we pretended to eat him (he being the turkey). WOW!!!! HAHAHA!!

In other news everything is going very good, Maria is doing amazing! We taught her the Word of Wisdom on Friday and explained everything. She smokes and drinks tons of coffee so we were a little bit concerned. When we asked her how she felt about it she responded that she loved it and said that it makes sense that we should take care of our bodies. She said she always thought that there was more things that she should and shouldn’t be doing then she had learned before and said (translated) "It says that the past is straight and narrow so she was happy to learn more." She is incredible!!! Maricella has started to ignore us a little bit which is not good but she will come back around!

In other news I actually finished a full journal! Have not missed a day since June! Not bad huh? I figure it will be good to have to remember my whole mission in later years! SOOOO overall things are doing well!! I love you all and am excited to talk to you on Christmas!

Love Elder Stiles

Scott Has The Same Address!

Scott Did not get Transferred, so he has the same address as previously listed!
He will be here at least 'till after the New Year.

Elder Scott Stiles
312 N 2nd St Apt A
Hamilton, Oh 45011

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Elder Stiles and Elder Draper Entertaining Themselves with Bubbles

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Scotts Address May Change Dec 2

Hey everyone, Scotts Address may change next Tuesday December 2 as it is transfers. My expectation is that he will stay in the same place though. So if you are sending him a birthday card or letter, please wait till Tuesday December 2 when I get his new address and just use his new address. Thanks!

Another Great Week!

ANOTHER GREAT WEEK!!! You know what? This is what it is all about! I mentioned in my prior email that we had a former investigator ask to talk to us named Maricela. She is a teenager (16) and has read the whole Book of Mormon cover to cover. In our first lesson back with her we asked her about baptism and she shot straight from the hip and told us what was up… So we talked her through her concerns (mostly that it would make her different from her friends and that they would make fun of her) using the Book of Mormon. So I just straight asked her "Do you know that baptism is the right thing to do?". Her response was "yes". I followed up with "When are you going to do it?" She kinda started to delay the response so I said "how about December 27th?" She responded that that was too far away and we settle on Dec. 13th. She called us the next day and told us how the 13th wouldn’t work but the 6th would! She is ready! She loves church, and she is living pretty much all of the commandments. We have permission from the mother to baptize her so everything is a go. She was way sick yesterday (like many) so she did not make it to church, but we are going to have a good talk about the importance of Sunday attendance.

Another one of our investigators Maria (the mother-in-law of a recent convert) is doing well and loves reading but works on Sundays… Its only 18 hours per week/$140 so we are confident that the lord will bless us and she will have another job by the end of the week! She is incredible. She also told us that she wants us to start talking to her daughter (the wife of Mario the recent convert) and Mario told us that she is basically ready for baptism as well and he wants us to start talking to his teenage kids!!!! WOW!!! It’s a whole family tree!!!

Oh yeah, we also found some new people this week, one is Jorge, he is 14 and the friend of a member. We stopped by the members house (they are unenthusiastically active and there is no hometeaching program so we do the home teaching more or less.) so we stopped by and Jorge was there. My companion had talked to him before and said the he had been way way cool before and told us to stop by when his mom was home. So we came into the members house (I think that he is dating the 13 year old girl) and there was Jorge he seemed surprisingly excited to see us! We talked with him and taught a short lesson and right before the lesson, the Grandmother of his girlfriend started rubbing his buzzed head... The women proceeded to pet the kids head throughout the whole 15 minute lesson... I was fighting back laughter pretty much the whole time for this poor poor kid who might have had received two of the most awkward things ever 1. Talking to Mormon missionaries 2. Having your girl friends grandmother pet you like a dog! HAHA! But the kid told us he wanted to go to church and learn more about god. The grandmother called his mom and got permission and he went to church and really enjoyed it! (14 year old that likes church...weird?!) so we are going to be talking to his mother on Wednesday! Sweet Huh?! I figure any kid who can endure his girl friend’s grandmother petting him while the Mormon missionaries talk to him would have definitely endured just about anything the pioneers went through!

Soooo Basically life is incredible! I am Loving life!
P.S. the guy next to me in the computer lab here at the library is on I love Ohio... Haha!!!

Love you all, Elder Stiles

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jocko's World Famous Chicken

Dear Nana,

How’s it going Nana? My life is going quite well! Mostly working and sleeping and laughing. My companion and I am currently in a bike area that is basically the picture of Ohio. The city is called Hamilton and it has a very cool little downtown area with big restored buildings and statues that overlook the Miami River.

My companions name is Elder Draper and we are two peas in a pod. He loves sports and is really funny too so we don’t ever have a dull moment. His was actually attending the good ole Utah State and is a huge Utah State fan so he appreciated that my grandfather, Poppy, played basketball there. Anyways the downtown area is cool and the other parts are kind of rougher but I like it like that because we get to meet more interesting people!

Another great thing about Hamilton is that they have something famous here. It is Jocko’s World Famous Chicken! I am sure you have heard of it before because it is WORLD FAMOUS!! Well anyways, I attended this venue of finer dining and I do not fully comprehend why it is sooo famous considering that it is not nearly as good as the slightly more World Famous KFC! But I had to a least try it once, right?

Anyways, life is good! I love what I do. I feel like Spanish is starting to soak in, so that is good! Thanks for the little e-mail right after Brent’s wedding it made me happy to hear.

I love you Nana, and hope everything is going well! Keep me updated.

Love, Elder Scott Stiles

Monday, November 17, 2008

I love misionary work!

I am LOVING Life!!! We are seeing Miracles… We are expecting them and working for them and they are coming to pass!

We went to a recent converts house and talked to his mother-in-law at the door, we were aware she had been interested in the church but Mario the recent convert had kind of said "she will call you". So she answered the door and we asked for Mario(the recent convert) and then I just asked her "when can we meet with you" she started crying at the door. It was way cool! We went back 2 days later and taught her, she opened up to us, told us about her concerns in life, we intended to teach the 1st lesson but on the spot my companion changed to the 3rd. We taught a powerful lesson guided by the scriptures… We all shed a few tears in that spirit filled lesson. She asked "what’s the next step? I just want to start fresh!". That is when my companion offered her a baptismal date of December 20th. She accepted… She said she felt like the burden she had been carrying was lifted from her shoulders. It was the coolest experience of my mission. That is why I am a missionary! She told us she wanted to meet with us this morning (p-day) and we agreed so we have an appointment in a little while.

ALSO: We had former investigator (Maricella) ask to talk to us again. She is 16 and has read the whole Book of Mormon. She is the sister of Belen who is slightly less interested. Maricella was comfortable talking about baptism and went to church and loved it!!! We plan on setting a baptismal date with her this week. That will mean we will have set 4 baptismal dates in 3 weeks. The gospel is true! I love missionary work. Miracles happen! This week we also had to give up two of our favorite investigators, Debbie who has a baptismal date for the 20th of December, and the Famous Jeff! But do not worry because we took the pleasure of singing Karaoke with Jeff before we gave him to the English Elders. Jeff was sad to see us go and even told my companion he was sorry for making fun of him so much. He said the closing prayer and said how grateful he was for us and what we had done for him. He is a really good hearted person and really funny... Terrible singer... But good person. Apparently at the Karaoke bar that he goes to "its a country bar" when he goes on stage they play the OOMPa Loompa song from Willy Wonka.... I was dying trying to hold back laughter... I will take a picture with him soon and send it to you guys.

We also randomly ran into another former investigator that had a baptismal date in the past. Her name is Paola and she seemed interested in talking to us again. So overall this week was sweet! Not quite as funny as other weeks but way good and way spiritual!

Oh yeah, we also taught a lady that we might have saved her life... We were in this apt complex a couple weeks back when this guy told us "I don’t want to talk to you I am not interested" (without us saying anything). He did not appear to be the most intelligent person and so we said ok and kept on walking. 15 minutes later when we were leaving he asked us for help. He told us he "thinks something is wrong with his neighbor". We went in to look at her and she fell flat on her head from her knees. HE asked "you think I should call the paramedics?" I answered "yes" and we went over and kinda pinned her down because she kept on trying to stand up and falling on her head. She was unresponsive to anything. The paramedics came and we left. We came back last week and she said she had had a seizure and how grateful she was that we were there. It was a way, way powerful first lesson and she is going to read and we will meet with her again this Friday (she had tons of appointments to figure out why she seizured). She explained that she felt like we had saved her life and how grateful she was for that. And judging by the overall competency of her neighbor, I would not have been surprised if he wouldn’t have called the paramedics... SOO LIFE IS SWEET!

I love you all, Take care,

Love Elder Stiles

7'2 4 toed man

Howdy! life is good! We saw some GREAT progress this week with two investigators! We actually set a baptismal date with Louis for the 13th of Dec. Now we just need to get him and Heather to live separate or get married. He is such a good guy and so enthusiastic about the gospel I love it. We also saw great progress with Debbie, she is the cousin of Gina(whose sister was murdered a couple weeks back). And the death really caused her to think. Debbie's mom also passed away about a year back and she was very Baptist, and Debbie said she just never believed what they were teaching was right, so we taught her the Plan of Happiness and she loved it and taught her the third lesson (the teachings of Jesus Christ) and I just asked her what she needed to do to live his teachings. We set a date for the 20th of December because she wants to learn more. We have only taught her a few times but she is way smart and really likes what we teach!

I also had the pleasure of attending a 15eria for someone in the Spanish branch (it was at the church and the Branch President wants the missionaries at all the activities in the church to regulate more or less)... Probably the most awkward thing that I have attended in my life. It consisted of two 20 minute dance routines with lots of technical difficulties and non stake dance approved dance moves and music. I suppose my favorite part of it was when the song "your beautiful" by James Blunt was singing and the 3 guys that she was doing her dance with had a dance move where they would point at her and then move there hands so they were not pointing at her anymore... It was like there was a force field of womanhood around her and it could not be pierced by the pointing fingers... Funny stuff. But way awkward because it was in the church and the music was unedited... I still cannot figure out why 15 is such a big age... I was thinking we should start them in the US of A and make them for like 20 or 22, make it an age that I have not passed so I can celebrate one too... Maybe 22 because I really want to choreograph a sweet dance for everyone to awkwardly watch...

OK... I have heard of lots of missionaries teaching loony people but I think I take the cake! This week I taught a man Allen Lee he is 7'2'' with 4 toes... Total(on both feet)!!! I was trying to think of the percentage of the world population that fits into this type of category (7'2'' with 4 toes) but I have determined that it has to be extremely low... Overall I have never taught a lesson to anyone with less interest so we made it short and didn’t waste our time but in our short conversation he said some pretty funny things. We started the lesson with him telling us how his daughter was a seer because she could see ghosts. Then he explained "I tricked her because I put dream catchers on all the windows of the house and told her that that would catch the spirits as well. She did not even know that dream catchers only protect us from bad dreams and have nothing to do with the spirits (in a very proud voice). I was thinking the whole time, Good JOB AL!!! Tricked your 9 year old, how about that?! Near the end we were polite and asked if he wanted to hear more and his response was "Oh sure, you guys are nice, I think you could come back in about a month. I just cant stand those people on the bikes..." A month? ! haha I could not hold back laughter my companion explained that we were the ones on the bikes and he said he liked us it was the others on the bikes that he did not like! haha Overall just uncomfortable!

So basically It was a REALLY good week! Had interviews with President Robbins too and they went well. It is starting to get Bitter cold... Like it is 40 but it feels like it is 10.... Humidity is not my favorite thing. I love missionary work! Elder Draper and I are having a blast and working our tails off and the Blessings are coming! I love it!

Love you all,
Elder Scott Stiles

Monday, November 3, 2008

Free Burrito Day @ Chipotle

How's it going everyone! Life here is good. Had a pretty good week, Capped by a visit to Chipotle for a free burrito while repping a tin foil headband. The free burrito costume event did not start till six but I was uninformed and so on the way home from a doctor’s appointment for my diabetic companion we stopped by and tried (not knowing that it did not start till six). But they gave me one anyways cause I was wearing it on my head!

In other good news when we arrived at home I had the tinfoil box in my hand and Crazy Bill Price (yes the C in Crazy is capitalized, because as far as I am concerned it is a part of his name). And Bill asked me what it was for and I explained to him it was for hats... I offered him one and he gladly accepted.... I wrapped the tin foil around his head and asked him if he wanted a glove... Of Course Bill Price wanted a tin foil Glove! So we explained that we had to go and he walked away with a tin foil hat and tin foil glove.... Like he had just won the lottery -for free Halloween costumes.

Church was really good this week! We randomly had a member of the 70 show up Elder Chipman is his name and he showed up and shared his testimony on how the lord will bless us if we are doing what is right. We had two visitors at church as well Louis and Jeff. Jeff hated it because there were babies crying, but loved what people said (not the most patient man but he agrees with everything) we are going to have the English elders work with him because they can better address his needs. And Luis went to the Spanish branch and loved it! HE is way cool he loved all three hours and participated and everything! So Cool!

We also had the ward Halloween party. It was pretty good, there was a black guy who went with his son who has a friend who is a member of the Spanish branch. The guy did not speak a lick of Spanish but I went and talked to him. It was while talking to him that I realized that I think people open up way, way to easy to us missionaries.... I mean I am all for sharing emotions and thoughts but the dude told me his whole life story and probably spent a good 30 minutes describing how he dealt drugs... (ps. this took place in the church gym). Beyond that we had two people this week explain to us their love lives and one warned my companion of how Diabetes gave him ED.... SO, SO FUNNY! I had to turn my head and bite my tongue.

In Horrible news one of our investigators (Gina) sister was murdered last week. She was murdered here in Hamilton at like 3AM last Sunday morning (the last Sunday of October). It was a brutal murder and we had actually talked to her sister (the one who was killed) a few times and we ride by the alley where she was murdered every day (about a half mile from our house but don’t worry cause it is not dangerous during the day). It was way sad because she was trying to turn her life around but just was hanging out with losers. They have no suspects. So if you all could please pray for their family. Her Name was Alyssa Morris-Traylor. Gina has asked to talk to us more and is very interested in The Plan of Happiness and has been reading The Book of Mormon. We explained it and she understood it better than ever before! I think she will start to progress when she gets a regular work schedule.

Alright Everyone... I am Doing GREAT... Loving life and working hard. I love you all and everything that you all do for me!
Love, Elder Scott Stiles

"Attacking the Spanish Language!"

Transfers came... and went... and they left me and Elder Draper here. Soooo, that is Grand!!! We are doing well and had our first FULL week of work without crazy things happening. It was great. We found a few new people and they are looking really good! Jeff (from last week) is doing incredible! He is seriously probably the smartest person that I have taught on my mission. We teach him a principle then he says "let me see if I am understanding this right" then explains the principle back to us usually with some sort of analogy. So cool! He looks exactly like George Castanza with a cul de sac hair cut! He is a mainstay at one of the biker bars around here because he sings Karaoke (however you spell it). Apparently he goes there ever Saturday day night and drinks soda and sings country music (7-15 songs). He told us he wants to sing some karaoke with us this week so that should be awesome! He is seriously one of the most good- hearted people I have met out here. He works at Shell and goes in 15 minutes early and always stays late to make sure everything runs smoothly. He couldn’t go to church because he was giving a ride to a lady who came into his work and asked for help with a ride to downtown. (she paid for his gas so he said it was a fair deal). But anyways he is coming along great and he is one of those people that the gospel will really bless his life. He doesn’t have much family so I think he will be happy to make friends in the ward. The English ward is supposedly very good here. The Spanish branch has some challenges but we are trying to work them out.

My old companion Elder Calzadillas just got transferred and he is now in my ward with me. I am happy about that because I think alot of the problems we had were my fault and I want to make things right with him. Our investigator Belen went to church this week and seemed to like it. She is 18 and really cool and has a testimony she just does not want to change. So we will see what happens with her. We are teaching mostly Spanish but we have found lots of good English people lately so we will see what happens with them. We are gonna teach them till they go to church then give them to the English missionaries who have more contact with the English ward.

OK Funny Story; I had my talk this week. So I prepared more then usual cause it was in a language that is not my own. I got a talk ready for about 10 minutes about the resurrection. I was all ready to go and I got up on the stand and the High Council member who was speaking with me asked me to make it a 5 minute talk if possible. He said ten would be fine but 5 would be better... so I brought my notes with scriptures to quote and everything. I decided that I was going to try to just use a few of the scriptures that I had marked and let things fall as they may but going to try to make it 5 minutes. I went up there and talked. I had the same sort of feeling as last week. Everyone was smiling from the congregation and kind of nodding their heads. I knew I was either absolutely nailing it or my Spanish was terrible....... In stark contrast I babbled with no real point. After about the second minute in I realized how bad the talk was going... I read my scriptures talked about them a little bit and I was done... HAHAHA even my companion said it was pretty bad and our investigator Belen told me that "I attacked the Spanish language" Haha so apparently I babbled for 6 minutes, funny stuff!

But yeah, things are good! I love you all and will talk to you later!!!
Love Elder Stiles

Monday, October 13, 2008

6 months!

Good Week! I got sick with that stomach bug so it limited our time but nevertheless it was good!

I felt the gift of tongues VERY strong as I made a more concerted effort to only speak Spanish. It was GREAT! We spoke almost pure spanish throughout the week. A good feeling!Cool Story from Last Night; all of our appointments fell through and we did not know where to tract. We were starting to get a little frustrated because all of our appointments fell through, so my companion and I decided to go to an area where we had spent very little time. We went over there and knocked a couple doors without talking to anyone when we came to a house that was turned into an apartment. It was dark in the stairwell and we were both kinda hesitant to go in but we did. We got in and we knocked the first door with no answer. We knocked the second door and a guy named Jeff answered. He told us about his life and how he was very open to looking at other religions because he had been rather dissatisfied with his church experiences in the past. He was excited to talk to us and we explained our church services and how they work. He was excited and very happy when we made a return appointment for Wednesday. It was a really great thing to see how excited he was. He has had a hard life because he got water on the Brain when he was beaten by his birth mom at 6 months. He said he thinks like a normal person just lacks some of the motor skills and gets horrible head aches. He is a guy that will let the gospel change his life. Way way cool! And it was great to see how your whole week/night can change in like 20 minutes! COOL!

We actually have not had that many people yell super witty stuff at us out their car windows (Dissappointment covers my face) but I have learned one thing! If you want free Beer, wear a white shirt and tie and go into somewhat rougher neighborhoods on a Sunday afternoon! Because not gonna lie, EVERYONE offers us beer! It is actually kinda funny cause we had someone yell out the car "Want some WEED?". He drove by but did not even wait for a response! I love how people ask questions they know the answer to.

The hispanics are starting to really head out of this area, the Sherriff has made it his goal to get rid of all of the illegals, soooo he deports them... Like all of them. They pull over hispanics that are driving and call it an insurance check. They usually all have insurance they just lack proper ID. "most even have international licenses". Soo that is a bummer and it makes getting people to go to church more difficult. We have had 1 of our investigators deported on Friday. His family is still here in their house but he is in the county prison. They put them in the prison and hold them there until the county or state or whatever pays to fly a whole jet all the way down to Mexico City to drop them off... Most of the people that are deported come back here within a week because they have family here but some are starting to stay!

Yesterday was cool, we did Fast and Testimony meeting (because the Branch forgot to do it the week before conference). I decided to go up and bear my testimony and try out my Spanish (especially cause I am speaking in church next week). I went up and not gonna lie, its a whole whole lot more nerve racking to try to do that sort of thing in another language, so I went up, and did it! It felt easy and when I came back and sat down my companion said "you just spoke perfect Spanish". I was like sweet! I knew it was either coming out really good and the Gift of Tongues was helping me or it was a train wreck and I looked like a blathering idiot. All of the other missionaries in our ward (six of us) came and told me how that was the best they had ever heard me speak... unfortunately, the other people in the branch now think that is how I speak, so they tried to go extra in depth with conversation with me... BAD CALL! haha

But yeah things are going really well! mostly just working hard and having fun. I love missionary work!

That is FANTASTIC that the first people that Dad talked to signed up to invest! I would think there would be some follow the pack investments that will make getting the other 700K a little easier! EXCITING!!!! I pray for everything to work out with the business everynight.

Letters in General have come to a screaching halt! Whats up with that? Good to hear Brent's surgery went well and it looks like he can finally go on with his life as a normal 22 year old... Wait false... Brent can go on with his life as a 22 year old... ;) I am way happy to hear that it all went very well.

I have been out 6 months on thursday, put that on the blog-That is a milestone!

I love you all, Life is great. I love you guys!

Elder Stiles

Monday, October 6, 2008

Working on My Spanish

Hi Everyone,

Laur Really stepped up the competion when it comes to getting packages of GOODIES! SO much way, way good Food! Dont worry I shared(not too begrudgingly). Thanks for the letter and the photos. Big shout out of Thanks to Laur.

Life is good! It is Suit Coat Season!!! Suits all the time till next conference, so I guess we are looking extra cool on our bikes! It will help us stay warm. It is going to be COLD here.

We actually are starting to see some forward progress from investigators which is sweet! one of our investigators, Belen fasted this week with us to receive and answer to her prayers. It was cool cause the missionaries have been teaching her for like 3 years and has never done anything like that! It's kinda sad because she really does not like me at all... She loves my companion but doesn't like that I do not speak Spanish very well. Spanish has been frustrating me lately, I am coming up on my 6 month mark on the 16th and really do not feel like I have a good grasp on the language... BUMMER! I am working for it, it will come. I can communicate, I am just grammatically disabled so I get funny looks alot.

Conference was great! I watched the Priesthood Session and Sunday Afternoon session in English and the rest was in Spanish... MAN DO THOSE TRANSLATORS TALK FAST!!! but overall life is Good! I am excited for the work here. My companion got way, way sick this week. He is a Diabetic (like Wilford Brimley) and he got the flu, was vomiting profusely and could not keep anything down. It was rather reminiscent of the night at the Domingo’s right after my farewell in CA. But the difference is that he will die if his sugar got low. So we were up all night on Thursday and trying to do what we could to keep his sugar up. We called the ambulance cause he dropped from 140 to 56 in about 25 minutes. So that was a pretty sacry, miserable night. I am not gonna lie it was pretty miserable for him. He later said that I am going to be a good husband because I touched his vomit (dumping out his vomit and switching buckets) and he was just a companion on the mission. HAHA I agreed... It was disgusting.

OK So this happened a couple weeks ago but I did not have time to write about it last week...
I, Scott Stiles have hit Rock Bottom... I think that any hope I ever had at being a moderately successfully human being is now gone... and do you want to know why? Because, I Scott Stiles was FIRED from the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen... Yes, I was FIRED from Volunteering to serve food to people for 6 hours a week while receiving no monetary compensation! WOW!!! It was actually probably the funniest thing ever. The Major "their religious leader and great military mind" came downstairs from his perch in the office and told my companion and I that they had enough volunteers and they were getting more so "you don’t need to come around here anymore" OUCH!!! haha I was mopping the floor at this point in time and just kinda looked at my companion in dismay. After salutes and receiving awards for our bravery in "Salvation's Army "(sarcasm) I asked my companion "Did we just get fired from the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen". Man he did not even say if we were honorably discharged!! I love missionary work and everything we are doing.
Love you all!
Elder Stiles

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Step up the Witty-ness

September 16, 2008
Life is SWEET!!! Me and my new companion are having a blast! mostly we are trying to look for new investigators now. We taught a bunch of lessons last week but last night we kinda determined that though they all had testimonies, they were not progressing and have no intention of progressing... sooo it looks like we are going back to square one!

Sunday we had those crazy wind storms "don’t know if it made the news" but 74 mph winds... Messed up the trees pretty bad, not gonna lie. soo yesterday (Monday) we road our bikes around helping people clean up their trees and stuff! It was kinda fun and something different. Sunday it was too windy and there were tornado warnings so we had to stay in our house from about 3pm until the next morning... It was pretty boring especially because we had now power and could not really cook anything.

We have a sweet house now. It’s a row home and we have the bottom floor. The area here is cool. It is actually lower income than downtown. There are lots of people standing around in the middle of the day, but most of them like us! Funny thing, I don't understand why people think they are being super witty and creative to yell things at us when they drive by? Seriously, it’s always the silliest people and they always say the least creative things... It’s like come on guys! Step up the witty-ness... Jeeze! My companion and I get a good laugh out of how lame the things they say are! But, I have yet to have anything thrown at me... That will probably be slightly less funny "or funnier depending on the object being thrown".

But anyways this area is cool, tons of Hispanics so that is sweet because we have lots of people to talk to. There is a park right by our house where lots of Guatemalans go play basketball... We rode by there on Friday and asked if we could play... HAHAHAHA I am the Lebron James of Guatemalan basketball. WOW! watching them play is really fun. We asked if we could play and the guy immediately kicked 2 of his friends off his team, because the winner stays and he knew we would win because if you have someone over the height of 5'3'' you have a "Big Man". We played 25% effort for a couple games and left and contacted all the people around the court. It was sweet, and they all wanted to talk to us after that, so that was good, fun, effective contacting! So basically everything is going awesome for me! Loving sharing the gospel with people and seeing how it impacts their lives!! I love you all!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Got Transferred!

Hi Everyone!
I GOT TRANSFERRED!!! I am way bummed to have to leave our investigators but so, so happy that I am getting a new companion. My new companion is Elder Draper. He is a kid from Utah, Sandy area. One of the nicest kids I have met and he loves sports!!!.... And pretty much is the man! I went on exchanges once with him and was hoping to get him as a companion ‘cause he is such a stinking good guy!

I am now in a town called Hamilton. It’s a suburb, lower income white and Hispanics. There are lots of Hispanics here so that is sweet. There is a Spanish branch and so that is cool. We are in a bike area and we have a very nice apt. It’s an old row home and we live in the bottom floor of it! ALSO!!!! WE HAVE THE CRAZY HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET FROM US. sooooo I would expect the stories to get funnier because they love talking to the missionaries and you can never talk to them without a blog worthy story! I am sooo, sooo happy to have this companion! Things are gonna be awesome! I was sad to leave our investigators, but I am way, way stoked for this opportunity. I went and said all my good byes yesterday and that was sad. Could not get in touch with any of our investigators but one of the member family's, the Schweglars, the ones who fellowshipped Michael, took us out to eat at a good Mexican restaurant and we visited the Halls also.

Sweet Story: We went arrived to go tract yesterday because none of the investigators were home to visit, so.... we arrived to go tract at an apartment and I got out and just said “no”... I looked at my companion and he agreed it wasn’t the right time to tract. So we went to Kieth's apartment (the kid whose grandpa was a church leader) our phone was dead and so we had no idea how we were gonna be able to get into their complex. We got out of the car and started walking towards the door when his mom "Marylee" opened the front door and just said “come in, God is amazing!" She explained how she was just talking to her uncle on the phone about starting to go back to church and how she needed it in her life to help with the loss of her dad. She was crying and told us how strongly the spirit was prompting her to return to church. We talked and then finally I stopped her and in conversation and just said "Marylee will you go to church this week?" she looked at me and said, "well, if I tell you I am going to church I will promise you." I said "thats why I asked will you? not could you?" She said yes and she is going to meet with the bishop, and is going to a church addiction recovery program tonight to stop smoking... SO, SO cool. oh yeah, Kieth also commited to come to church this week too! She told me how much she appreciated it and then said “if It wasn’t against the rules I would hug you!” I laughed and took off! It was soo cool to see how the spirit was touching her. If anything this last transfer taught me how much I love people. I may have struggles with certain people but I learned why I am doing missionary work! To help these people be as happy as they can be!! And for ME to grow.

I still love getting letters and to make it easier for you,

Here is my new address.
312 N 2nd St. Apt. A
Hamilton, OH, 45011

I love you all,
Elder Scott Stiles

Home Made Tamales

Things are good!We have good investigators right now. I can pretty much understand conversations in Spanish and talk with everyone without too much thinking. Being able to learn to speak and understand Spanish so quickly, I think is the gift of tongues that they talk about in the bible. The other elders have commented on it and how I am talking pretty fast and well which is nice!

We had an awesome thing the other night. Crystal’s husband Leonardo is a good guy overall. He has some machisimo and he drinks. And she told us he had gotten drunk and gotten pretty physical with her. He was drunk, and stupid. So we sat down with them and I was talking about it with him. I told him that we are here and to help their family. That we want them to be happy and that change is the only way they can be happy. I asked him if he felt like he had a family right now. He said No. I then told him he needs to step up and be a man and create an environment where they can be a family... I told him he is acting like a teenage boy, but I know that he wants to do right and turn things around but he needs to decide for himself. Yes, I actually said that. He kind of had his head down the whole time. Then he agreed. Apologized to his wife and said he would stop drinking. Then my companion started talking with someone in the other room and Crystal left the room. They both kinda left and so it was pretty much me and him in the room as my companion was talking with someone at the doorway. Leonardo looked over at me and said thank you. I was like huh?? Then he explained he is done. I told him how we would play soccer with him or basketball or whatever he wants to do on Saturday afternoons to stop him from drinking with his buddies, and he said "I will go to church with you". He was so happy and looked kinda relieved. It was a pretty spiritual experience for me, the spirit was strong. It was one of those moments when the spirit prompts you to be bold. Way cool!!! Leonardo and Crystal and their son went to the stake picnic yesterday and had a very good time! she cooked Tamales.... bones in them of course!!!! So Guatemalan! I do not approve of the whole bone in tamale thing... It’s pretty disgusting! Leonardo liked playing soccer and really seemed happy! It was lots of fun and a great day.

I am enjoying the other missionaries alot more. I don’t know if I mentioned this in my last letter but I have made really good friends with two of the missionaries in our district. Elder Jones and Elder Sanchez. Elder Jones is waiting for a visa to Slovenia and Elder Sanchez is the man. He is from Mexico and came here when he was 13. We have gotten to hang out lately because they came to our picnic yesterday and they spent the night at our house and stuff, so that has been fun!

I love you all, thanks for writing me.

Elder Stiles

Monday, September 1, 2008

Things are going Great!

HI BABY REESE!!!! they called me from the office on the day she was born around 5pm! I was at my favorite members house (they are the ones that feed us!) They are really cool. They are the Halls. They are an English speaking family that is way cool and funny... it was awesome to hear the news soo quick!

Things are going great! Stake conference was this last weekend and it was good. M. Russell Ballard hurt his knee so could not make it but Jose A. Teixiera of the 70 came and was awesome! He was an amazing speaker. He went up with no notes and paper and said that the brethren are asking that 70's speak with the spirit. It was incredible..
I of course, went and introduced myself and Michael Rueter (the kid who got baptized like 6 weeks ago) to him. And we shook hands.

Crystal has a Wild kid that I was playing distraction duty with for most of the Sunday session... The kid is hilarious. We played cars to keep him busy and quiet and I caught Elder Teixiera kinda crackin’ up about us playing cars. But hey, it made it so Crystal could listen. Crystal lives with her boyfriend Leonardo. We talked to her about baptism and she said she wanted to be baptized... She has had a tough life but every time we come to the door she gets this great big smile on her face. Her boyfriend Leonardo told us that they would get married and he would be baptized too.... It was so cool. They are a good family. Both have had their struggles but she really, really wants to be a good mom and make a change!!! She said she has felt way more at peace and loving since she has started reading and praying. We found her because we were teaching other people that live in the same house and she wanted to listen... She speaks pigeon Spanish and good English. After our first lesson with her she said "you guys are here for a reason. God wanted to tell me something through you guys,” I just about fell out of my seat!!! Crystal is excited about cooking for the Labor Day party for the stake cook off. Leonardo is very cool. We have taught him before and was fairly receptive but kind of fell off the map! soo overall that is awesome!!!

We are working in a ghetto neighborhood called Price Hill! It’s sweet!!! It is like crazy ghetto but everyone there loves us! If you smile at people and say hi they will love you no matter what! They all know we are harmless white kids!!! But you do meet lots of people who are from different walks of life!!! AND I LOVE it!

We had interviews this week with President Robbins and he said that he has heard that I am really doing well and said that I can learn lots of cultural things from my companion. He was very nice and I really like him, he is a very nice man.
Thanks for the photo album funny I just asked for it and then I received it the next day!!! It looks like everyone was having a great time at the wedding and everyone looks great!!! DAD YOU’RE SKINNY!? good for you!!! MAN, Delaney was busy being the queen of the show huh?! She is so so cute!!!!!

You asked how we found the people we are teaching or have taught. We found Jeannie because they were teaching her little sister before I got here but they had not talked to her in like 8 weeks and so we knocked on her door and she said her little sister wasn’t there. So I said can we teach you?! The rest was history!!!!! Jeannie is way happy and even wearing the little young women’s medallion necklace that they give you when you join young women’s!
Michael came to the church through his friend the girl who is in the pictures! They are just friends but he played basketball for like 4 years before she asked him if he wanted to talk to the missionaries... Basketball does miracles! Michael is now looking at a mission and is an absolute stud!! I love that kid!

Life is Good! my companion and I are getting along better and starting to get more on the same page! That is the thing about missions... It is not supposed to be all rosy!!! You have to live with people you wouldn’t choose to live with, eat things you wouldn’t choose to eat and talk to people who you would not normally associate with. BUT that is what makes a mission a mission, that is what makes you grow and be humbled as a person, that is what makes you appreciate home cooking, and that is what makes you gain a love and respect for all people! So EVERYONE I am exactly where I want to be doing what I want to be doing and learning and growing more than is imaginable! So don’t worry about me, just pray for me!


Love Elder Stiles

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Life is Good"

Photo of Zone Conference- Cincinnati Ohio Aug 2008
Hey there!!!

Life is going lots better! Jeannie got baptized and was way way stoked for everything!!!! We had a guy in the ward do the baptism who has a daughter Jeannie’s who has been rather unenthusiastic about making new friends, and the girl was very nice and friendly to her the next day at church... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! It was nice we had 18 people there and the bishop spoke. There are only six young women in our ward but the young women’s leaders are great and want to help her so she will be set!!! Now we need to talk more to Jeannie's mom- she is a real nice lady who just needs to see the happiness and blessings that come with having the Holy Ghost and living the Gospel!

Also, me and my companion are doing better. Basically I just needed to realize that there is no RIGHT or single way to do missionary work. of course some ways are more effective, but there is no one way across the board, and the way in which I work and talk to people would just not be as effective for him and vis-versa! With that said we are getting along better and actually starting to enjoy one another. We kind of laugh when the other person is speaking the other’s language and sometimes it is just funny to hear the things that come out of his mouth. I am sure I say some pretty interesting things too! My companions name is Elder Calzadillas and he is from Chihuahua Chihuahua Mexico. And because he is from Chihuahua every time he sees a small dog he asks the question, is that a Chihuahua? He speaks some english. He speaks more then he understands and I am exact opposite in Spanish so it makes for funny lessons sometimes! He spent a year in Memphis Tennessee before his mission and now he is here...

Ok funniest thing of the week
Operation Solo: Jared told me to compliment Elder Calzadillas and he would quickly start liking me... BINGO!!! I compliment him on everything and it makes him so happy. So early in the week I thought I should start complimenting him on his singing, with the hopes of him starting to sing in more public settings! I was right on. I compliment and ask for advice and encourage him to sing and the guy is really coming around... He is offering for us to sing at everyone’s house now it is Great!!! Then yesterday I told him that he should sing a hymn to one of our investigators who went to church but her husband was giving her trouble. He sang her a solo... Probably one of the funniest/must uncomfortable/awkward/funny/way funny things of my mission so far. She stood there awkwardly and kind of chuckled but was smiling and happier afterward! Then I asked him to sing a solo for you guys into my camera. So I am sending you a memory card with him singing a verse of the song that he sang her and also some pictures of the baptism! Also, He has agreed to sing at Humberto's upcoming baptism.... I am also going to have him sing in a multizone meeting or something. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Humberto is doing good. He re-set a baptismal date for the 20th of Sept. Which is good. He was not really ready with our previous baptismal dates but by the 20th of Sept he will be very ready. He is such an awesome guy I really like him!

Crystal the one who went to church yesterday is cool. She is a white lady that has a hispanic boyfriend/husband. He is Leonardo and is way cool… when he is not drinking. She went to all of church yesterday and asked to come back next week- sweet!!!! She is way nice and offered to help cook for the upcoming labor day picnic!

So anyway's life is good! I love doing this work. It is the best work in the world and I am so happy to share the eternal truths that are this gospel. It makes me so happy to see others coming to it and accepting the gospel and letting the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ bless them and their families.

Thanks for Everything, I love you all!!!!

Elder Stiles

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Having Some Fun!

Posted by Picasa

A look at Cincinnati

A Few of Views of Cincinnati

Trying a Cincinnati specialty: Spaghetti noodles with chili & Cheese..... must be an aquired taste.....

But the Ice cream- YUM!

Answered Prayers

Mom & Dad,

Thank you so much for everything you two do for me. This past week was tough but I read your guys' letters each time I needed a little encouragement. The things you two wrote and sent me were inspired. The advice to pray harder is something that has brought me closer to the Lord and I really feel he is listening and giving me answers, sometimes through others. You two have answered my prayers also. I want you to know that I am doing everything I can to make you proud. I am being obedient, working my tail off, and trying to have a positive impact on everyone around me. It is much more tiring than I had ever predicted this to be, but it is very rewarding also. I know that I was called to serve by the Lord. Yesterday, when we were teaching, it was confirmed to me again how true the Gospel is. I feel like I have said it before, but it is something that reveals itself little by little, then "boom" it hits you again. I love this whole mission thing. I literally feel like the most blessed person ever to have the family I have, the Gospel and the opportunity to serve. Thanks for everything, I love you two, Elder Scott Stiles

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thanks for the Goodies!

Life is good, I haven’t received the translator yet so we have been using his to better communicate. He does not speak very much English... Other missionaries have told me that my Spanish is actually better than his English , so that is slightly disturbing?! I read the Patience section in preach my gospel EVERY... I mean EVERY day!!!!
I also have been implementing pieces of everyone’s advice for instance. I am giving over the top compliments to him (advice from Jared) which just makes him think he is the king of the world.... also I am serving him, I am doing the dishes always and making sure the house is clean (mom’s) praying a lot and trying to be insanely happy (dads) and sharing by giving him candy (Katelyn).

Saturday was seriously so, so bad missing Brent’s wedding day. We went back to the apartment at like 4 in the afternoon and I was really feeling down on things, that was until I got up to our apartment and saw 4 packages from Katie... Seriously made my day 10X better! And I was just thinking how bad it must stink for her not to be there as well! But I guess she made it, so my sympathy is all gone! anyways.....
Our investigators are doing good. I have started to work in real, real ghetto. It’s kinda fun. Apparently it is like the 2nd most ghetto neighborhood in the city. It’s crazy, at like 4 in the afternoon the streets are filled with people. We found one good person down there last week her name is Flossey May... That is not a typo for real the ladies name is Flossey. She is way old but we explained everything and she seemed to be receptive and we go back tonight!!! Not really much of a story just the story is that her name is Flossey!!!!!

Jeannie's baptism is this Saturday. Her mom went to church and did not feel very comfortable, but Jeannie is way excited and now looking at going to school at either BYU or BYU Idaho. So it’s fun to see that she wants to really be a lifelong member.
We have lost a couple investigators. My companion is …what some people call bold. So we lost some good investigators because he basically came in and told them they needed to be baptized or they would be damned.... SWEET! AND FALSE!!! I just figure he can do what he wants I will just not let him mess things up with Jeanie.

A super sad thing, last night one of our investigators told us that her husband has been beating her bad, and will not let her go to church. My companion had the guy come outside and told the guy not to do it or she would call the cops and all this stuff.... once again, bold!

We are also working on starting a Spanish group in this ward. We had 3 people in there all from one family that has been less active, so that is cool.

We are also starting to teach English classes... Which I guess means by default I will be teaching. So tomorrow I am gonna study his English text book and that will be good!

Mom thank you so much for your package especially those peanut butter things... sharing those things was my first act of love towards my companion... and an act of love it was... I don’t really know how you can get any more caring then that!!!! The pants are slightly big but that is fine, I just belt them up and there is a little bit of space but I think that I am a little smaller then a 33 pant in all reality. Dad, thank you for the money. That should definitely be enough to eat a little better and thinking about it I was/am not eating very much!!! I learned how to make refried beans so that is kinda nice.
Your CD's are GREAT!!! An ac adapter would work too. It is for a walkman style CD player. I would also like another copy of those CD's for the Apartment and if at some point in time could make a CD with "Army of Helaman" on it... I love the Song... Have ever since primary!!! Also I could use collar stays... I washed them all in the MTC except one set and I finally lost the last of them today... BUMMER!!!
I will be writing you a letter and including a memory card... Also, everyone that receives letters from me the letters will most likely be on VERY nice Greeting cards that were found on the dead man table it’s a table in our APT. where they put all the stuff from people who have been evicted/die....
Love you all,
Thanks for writing me and sending me presents.

Elder Stiles

Monday, July 28, 2008

Teaching More in Spanish

July 21, 2008


Life is good And I am enjoying it alot more every week! My companion leaves next week "and transfers are next week" which is a bummer but it will be good to not have someone who is talking about home so much as my next companion! He is alot of fun, its just kinda a downer to be reminded constantly he gets to see his family in a week! But anyways things are going really well.

I had the opportunity to teach more in Spanish this week. I am trying to just open my mouth and talk and let them figure out what I am saying and it has helped my Spanish alot. So that is kinda fun. We have two people that are really progressing quickly. One is a Hispanic man named Humberto, way nice humble man, works in a factory, has a 21 year old son here who is a way good guy and this week he has started to read also. Humberto went to church and loved it and which is good because he has wanted to go to the last two weeks but our ward is not that good at actually showing up... So he sat outside his house in his church clothes two weeks in a row... so we found a guy in the Spanish branch that will help who is way cool and kinda solved that problem!!!

I am definitely starting to get more comfortable in dirty, dirty homes and eating whatever they offer in their less then sanitary homes. We don’t get meals basically ever but they often offer us whatever they have! I Don’t really know What I am eating these days. Like pasta-roni and quesadillas... Basically whatever is in the kitchen?

Our other investigator that is doing the best is Jeanie she is the 18 year old. Awkward as can be, but very nice. We were talking to her sister the other day when she left and her sister came in and told us that she has been saving the Quarters from California and Utah "the states of me and my companion" she also said.... OK Before you read this you must know that this is an exact quote... This has not been modified in any way for comedic value "Elder Stiles is so cute with his retainer"... CAN YOU SAY AWKWARD? I thought it was hilarious when the unwanted attention was on my companion but not now!!! I then thought about it... what she was saying were cute were 2 peices of plastic, with metal in them, then with placed in my mouth and encrusted with saliva.... HAHA Funniest Thing.

Love you all,

Elder Scott Stiles

PS I would not mind those peanutbutter things? and Denture cleaner for my Braces.
PSS a couple things I want from Brent's wedding are:
A video recording of Kevin's Toast,
Pictures of the whole family,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Missionary "Beat Box"

This is the typical house in our area.
Hi Everyone,
I got my package and I loved it. Thanks for everything I really do appreciate it! I am sorry if I am a crummy letter writer to most people. it is mostly cause our p-day only really goes from 11:00-6:00 and we have to do laundry, shop, clean up, wash the car and try to do something fun!

Life is going awesome!!!!! We did exchanges twice and I really realized how much harder my companion works than others so that was good!

Yesterday we were on exchanges and we went and saw this Kieth kid. His grandpa was a Seventy and his mom has not been to church in ten years. Kieth has not been super interested but he reallly likes us, so he has let us come by. Last night we came over and talked to him then his mom came in the rooom and I offered for her to come listen to the lesson. She said no but came into the room. We talked for a little about the church and how she had been offended. We talked about that for a while, then I changed the conversation topic and we just talked... then she went back to church topics. She turned to her son and said "Kieth I have tried to find every other church thinking there was something out there that is true. And this church has all the answers. "Then she looked at me and said "what time is church this week?" I just about jumped out of my seat. Apparently missionaries have been trying for years and she wouldn't talk to them. It was the first time I felt Like I talked to someone who I was really supposed to talk to... Pretty darn cool!!

We took one of our investigators (Jeanie) to the ward talent show. She brought her younger brother (Michael) and he wanted to get up and do the robot. so we arranged it on the spot and we had another missionary beat box... SWEET. He was way excited about it. He is a funny little guy.

Thanks for everything, I love you ALL

Elder Scott Stiles

PS My companion and I are the only people in our apt but we have 8 missionaries in our ward.

PSS We have transfers on the 28th and I have no idea if I am staying or going so could you put the mission home address on the blog cause it will take a long time to catch up to me if I get moved... oh yeah, I have the same companion. We are getting along very well.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Hello Family,
How is your life. Life here is good. I am getting used to it and liking it more and more. I have mostly found that I need to be more patient, because I am not very patient and my companion is more laid back than anyone I have ever met!! So that has helped me out alot because I needed it right off the bat. It is very tiring to be out here but at the same time, I am really enjoying it.

Our baptism was pretty darn sweet yesterday.

Funny Story: We went to this lady's house. Right as we walked in, she gave us Chicharones, deep fried pig skin that takes on the texture of Funyons after it is fried. They are pretty gross, but I was trying to be polite. My companion proceeded to put his on my plate when she turned around! No Good! I ate them all and was pretty proud of myself but could feel the grease in my stomach.

Then she took another bag of chicharon and dumped the whole bag into boiling water, with a bunch of spicy stuff on top of it. Miraculously, the chicharon took back it's flesh like element and became chewy, slimy and hard to cut. It was once again pig skin! I tried to cover it up by putting it into little tacos with beans and cornmeal, but every bite I could not bite into the pigskin. I didn't want to have to chew it!

Finally, about half way through, I started thinking that I was eating spicy, slimy, chewy, pigskin. The texture and spicyness were the worst parts!

My companion said it was the grossest thing he ate while he was here and that included eating liver, brain and heart soup where he saw the arteries in the heart! So, I started gagging about 2/3 way through. It came up in my mouth, but I didn't want to be rude and throw up this poor ladies food, so I re-swallowed it!!!

Apparently it was funny looking because the kids started laughing and she said "oh it must be too spicy for you" "I am sorry", she spoke in spanish, but that is how I understood it. I said yes, it was a little spicy, and i thought I would never have to come in contact with that wretched stuff again!

But, three days later, when we went back to her house, she made it for us again. But she only scooped a little onto my plate, and I cut it up better than before, and smothered it in beans. Still bad, just not quite as bad! I know it is not super exotic or anything, just more gross than anything.

Well, got to go now, thanks for everything.

Love Elder Scott Stiles

Monday, June 30, 2008

Checking out Cincinnati

Hey Family,

Life is pretty good! We had a baptism yesterday which was sweet. the Kids name was Michael Reuter. He is 18 and way cool. It was great.

I am doing alot better. I realized that I just need to relax some cause I was getting way to pumped up over everything.

Today is our P- (preparation) day, so we went to Skyline Chili and Graeders ice cream. Tell Jennie Smith cause she was wondering, that Graeders was way good and Skyline was incredibly average. I had the chili with spaghetti noodles and it was just way greasy and not very impressive, but it is a Cininnati staple so I had to go there at least once right?

We went down town today and had a good time we walked around and went to the top of the Crew building. Its like 49 stories we took pictures and it was pretty cool. Its a pretty cool downtown... its a bummer the rest of the city is not half... nay... a quarter as nice as downtown is! But anyways, life is good.

Funny Story:
So we were short on miles for our car we have a limit of 1175 per month, so we decided to bike on thursday. We planned to surprise some of the other elders that are in our ward that live like 5 miles away and sleep over at their house. I was excited and thought it would be fun... It is a pretty hilly area so it was alot of work but it was kinda a nice change of pace. When we left it was sunny probably 92 with 75% humiditity. So we rode to our appointments. On our last appointment of the day, We had been there like 45 minutes it started pouring.... like Texas pouring! We changed into our sleeping clothes "gym shorts and t-shirts" and headed to the other elders condo. (I call all apartments condos no matter how nasty they are... it sounds more luxurious) We got to their apartments just after nine and they were not there so we called and they did not answer. We assumed they were running late and just in the rain so we just went to the taco bell and waited to see them ride by. While we were there, a black man told us that all white people had leprosy, and finally at like 9:30 after they had not answered we went back to there condo! STILL NOT THERE! Just then they called us back. They were staying somewhere else for the night!!! Luckily the ride home was mostly downhill but it was POURING and we just blasted down these huge hills and when we got home we were absolutely drenched. It was kinda fun, but I dont have any interest in doing it again... at night its kinda intense!

Other news;

My companion had told me he was going home in December, but it turns out that he is going home after this transfer. Kinda funny, I did not know until he was doing a farewell talk for zone conference!

Because my comp. is going home soon, this one member is taking us to Boi Na Braza on the 4th of July!!! sweet huh?

Thanks for everything I love you all!

Elder Stiles

Friday, June 27, 2008

more photos

This is Kelley Pike, a family friend, she was on her way to Samara, Russia

This is my apartment complex
in Cincinatti.

This is my room

Some Photos